Parenting Apart
Parenting Apart is a three hour group (six parents maximum) session for parents who are divorced or separated. The Courts, knowing the value of this service, often refer parents to this service.
These sessions are hosted by two trained mediators who share information with parents on practical ideas such as:
- how to build a positive future for their children;
- how to talk to children about separation or divorce;
- increasing understanding of the effects of this life-changing event on both children and adults;
- how to deal with a less than ideal situation by improving communication
We take care to ensure no ex partners will attend the same group. There is also the opportunity (where appropriate) to have a shorter (2 hour) one to one session.
These sessions are free to parents already using one of our other services. However if you are not using one of our services and wish to attend, there is a £50 charge payable in advance.
If a referral is received via the Court or through a solicitor and Legal Aid is in place, there is a charge of £60 payable in advance.
Parenting Apart Registration Forms
Please click the button below to apply online. Alternatively, download the Parenting Apart Application Form and once complete, please email it to: A member of the Family Mediation Team will review your registration and will contact you in due course.
The download contains the application form as a PDF and as a Word Doc.
Which services do we provide?
Family Mediation West of Scotland provide the following services and are open Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm for appointments only. If you would like to book an appointment, have a service related enquiry or seek general information, contact us at one of the following centres: Glasgow Centre on 0141 332 2731 or email: or call the Kilmarnock Centre on 01563 657 860 or email:
All enquiries are treated with complete privacy and confidentiality.

Confidential Individual



Direct Consultation
with Children (DCC)

Child Contact