Direct Consultation with Children
Sometimes it is helpful – with both parents’ agreement – to ask the children how they are experiencing the family situation, so that their views may contribute to any decisions reached.
The decision to see children and involve them in the mediation process is not taken lightly and, ultimately, we judge whether or not the timing is right for this to happen at this point.
For this to happen, we would expect both of you to be committed to the mediation process and we would also expect both of you to agree it would be useful. The mediator who sees your child or children has specialist training in consulting children as part of the mediation process. This may or may not be the mediator who is working with you.
Before this consultation takes place, a mediator would prepare both of you and it would only take place if the mediator is satisfied that it may be useful to hear the thoughts and feelings of your child or children on their experience of their family situation. We make it absolutely clear at every stage that no child is put in a position where they feel they have to make a decision. Indeed they will never be asked to make a decision as decision making lies with you as parents.
This is charged as a session within the mediation process, payable in advance.
Which services do we provide?
Family Mediation West of Scotland provide the following services and are open Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm for appointments only. If you would like to book an appointment, have a service related enquiry or seek general information, contact us at one of the following centres: Glasgow Centre on 0141 332 2731 or email: or call the Kilmarnock Centre on 01563 657 860 or email:
All enquiries are treated with complete privacy and confidentiality.

Confidential Individual



Direct Consultation
with Children (DCC)

Child Contact